Friday, 23 September 2011

Quilled Snowflake and Tulips and some more flowers!!!

Hey guys
How are u all doin?

Today's post is actually not my work.... Its my sister Jyotsna's...

She insisted that I teach her quilling but looking at the stuff she has made now I think very soon i will be learning from her.... I taught her some simple fringed flowers and 5 petal flowers... But look at what she has come up with.... I hope u guys like it.... i think its awesome for a novice quiller!!!!

I want you to tell me what u think then will send her the link.... She will be really excited to read all your comments...


  1. are u sure she is a newbie??? really neat work... for a new comer... love those flowers... :-)

  2. Wow such skilled hands!


  3. hey! I just loveeeeeee the tulips that she has made... awesome... Ask her to keep quilling... really neat hand...
    Take care Jovita...

  4. wow these are really pretty...those tulips r my fav!

  5. wow these are really good her work has neatness and it looks so beautiful,my fave is the tulips.

  6. Jovi you can tell her to start her own blog!! She's good at it :)

  7. These are awesome!! very soon, she'll need to get her own blog!! do keep posting her work!

  8. These are really lovely! She's very good at quilling!


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